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Streamline Your Firm's Document Management with SmartFolders

Delivering excellent customer service is the key to retail success, but the retail industry can be very demanding at times, with price changes due to the change in policies, market trends, and seasons, a vast array of products on sale, rushes to close transactions, and regular contact with new clients. By the end of the day, there is a pile of paperwork that might be frightening. You probably don’t enjoy the tedious task of filing, categorising, storing, and keeping track of all of your documents. You might need to dispose of the data that is not required anymore. You might need to search for an invoice through piles of files that may take precious time. SmartFolders is the answer to all such situations. SmartFolders make it easy to save, access, manage, and modify all of your documents (paper-based scanned documents and electronic documents). These can be accessed from anywhere in the world, but only by authorised persons. Access granting options are in the hands of the System Administrator/ IT head. He may give view and/ or edit and/ or delete and/ or share right to a particular user on any folder or a document.

The ease of use is crucial. No one wants to deal with software that causes them stress and takes a lot of time to use on a daily basis. SmartFolders is a breeze to use. You can easily add, rename, edit, move, delete, or email a folder or document by clicking on an icon on the main interface. Each button is labelled when your mouse pointer is over it.

The basic search functions allows you to write word(s) in the search bar and get the result displayed in the main window. The metadata in SmartFolders facilitates a wide range of advance search choices. Searching for specific files/ folders is made a lot easier with the use of metadata. As a result of tags, it is easier to find specific documents. OCR search is a technology that makes it possible to retrieve information from within the documents.

You will never work on the wrong version of a document because all the older versions are present date-wise, along with version number and other document properties.

You can link the related files with each other (for example, purchase invoices of inventory can be linked to relevant sale invoices).

You can easily share documents and media files with others online by sending them a secure link directly from the cloud-based document portal or remotely accessible local server. There is no longer a need for you to send and receive confidential documents via email.

Retail businesses require smart reporting based on business intelligence for smooth and quick decision-making. SmartFolders provides you with the option of business intelligence reporting beyond your expectations.

SmartFolders helps you control your business processes with automated workflows. Every day, employees in your organization collaborate to get work done, usually by creating, receiving, routing, reviewing, or approving documents. In some cases, the process is defined and routine, in other cases ad hoc. In any case, automating the flow of work through these processes can significantly cut costs and improve your organization’s efficiency.

A Customer Portal can be created which can be utilised by your regular customers to place orders and provide related documents. You can also provide sales invoices and other documents via the same portal.

By using an encrypted platform, you can keep the data of your company and customers safe.

Keeping records or documents for a specific period of time may be mandated by law or an organization’s policy. With ‘Disposal Schedules’ in SmartFolders, you can set records and documents to be deleted at a certain time in future.

Based on your preference, you may get SmartFolders installed on cloud or on-site server.